COVID-19 Update from JCS

On March 12, the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 a pandemic. Due to the increased concerns and in response to advice from authorities, the Jesuit College of Spirituality leadership team has prepared a COVID-19 Action and Response Plan for the College community. We are continuing to monitor developments and to follow government advice.

The focus at this time is Prevention

The JCS administration team will be working reduced hours in the office and alternating working from home.  Please direct all queries to or 03 9448 8276 and we will respond as soon as possible.

Face-to-face classes are currently running as normal. All classrooms have been supplied with cleaning equipment to ensure surfaces are regularly wiped and hand sanitiser has been provided for student and faculty use.

If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed, we have a COVID-19 Response Plan which will be communicated immediately via email, Facebook, LinkedIn and our website to all students.

We are requesting that students, faculty and any visitors to the College who are feeling unwell or who believe they have been exposed to the virus to inform the Student Engagement Officer immediately and not come to the College premises.

Should a case be confirmed at JCS or communities close to the College, all classes will be moved immediately to online learning platforms only and the College premises will be closed. Preparations have begun to ensure we can transition quickly to full online learning for all classes should the need arise.

We have cancelled all non-essential events such as our Endnote workshop and the Lenten Lecture series. We are hoping we will be able to re-schedule our events later in the year when the crisis has passed.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.