
The Arrupe Program
Forming Givers of the Spiritual Exercises

A ministry  of the Society of Jesus in Australia, The Australian Jesuits;Primary purpose…. Forming givers..working in collaboration with Australian Catholic University, Companions in the ministry of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia.

We welcome you

If you have made the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and if you desire to become a Giver of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises…You  may already be a qualified Spiritual Director, or are beginning/completing Spiritual Direction formation…

If you are already a practicing spiritual director, we accept qualifications in Spiritual Direction
from recognised formation programs or those with significant life experience in spiritual direction.

If you have yet to qualify as a Spiritual Director, we recommend two spiritual direction options
through Australian Catholic University (which can be completed independently ph. 1300 275 228):

1.Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction https://Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction

2.Master of Spiritual Direction https://Master of Spiritual Direction

The Arrupe Program

Is a four-year program in forming you to become a Giver of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

It involves two years of study – directly with the Arrupe program (and possibly ACU)
+ two years of practicums in giving the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises with mentoring (receiving and giving), supervision, professional development, and introducing you to the professional association and a giving community#

# Supervision, professional development, and being part of both the professional association and a giving community are key supports for your life as a Giver of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

For a professional association, we recommend Companions in the Ministry of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Companions provides a professional association for those engaged in the ministry of giving spiritual direction in the Ignatian tradition and giving the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Australia and New Zealand.  

For a giving community, we recommend applying to Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia (JISA).
JISA is a ministry of the Society of Jesus in Australia. It is a national community of people formed in the way of Ignatian Spirituality, who give the Spiritual Exercises in all their forms; guided retreats, spiritual conversation, discernment, spiritual direction, supervision, formation for leadership and mission. JISA’s centres offer day and residential hospitality for individuals, groups, and organisations. They offer programs in person, online, in nature, and at other venues.

Begin here

Each step below is a journey of discernment and invitation:

1.Make an enquiry – research – have some conversations
2.Be invited to complete an Expression of Interest
3.Be invited to an Interview: a deeper conversation about your formation journey and your calling
4.Receive an assessment of your next steps, a bespoke program (including recommended independent ACU subjects)
5.Complete your application to the Arrupe Program (and ACU if required)